Depression is a very common word that we hear now-a-days. What is exactly this mental health depression? Depression is a condition in which the person feels sad, inferior, guilt, low mood, poor concentration, low energy throughout the day. A person may get into this condition due to various reasons irrespective of their age. A child who got less marks compared to others or scolding from parents due to less marks can be a cause, love failure for a teenager can be a reason, loss of a job can be another cause, death, family issues and other pressures and much more. It completely depends upon the individual. The above mentioned scenarios can also come under sadness for most of the people. You might be thinking how the same seniors can be classified into sadness and depression depending upon the individual. When being sad, the feelings are like waves. It is mixed with happy and positive memories of the past and tragedy of the present. Here the self esteem is maintained. Whereas in depression the interest of the individual in all activities can be affected and can sustain for 2 weeks or more. Feeling worthless and self-loathing is a common aspect while under depression.
>>Lack of energy
>>Constant anxiety
>>Difficulty in sleeping
>>Constantly gloomy or sad
>>Unable to be happy for things that usually are interesting to the individual.
>>Loss of appetite
>>Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem
>>Difficulty in concentrating
>>Physical aches
>>Being lonely and avoids others
>>Feeling helpless and hopeless
>>Finding it difficult to function at work, college or school
>>Loss of sex drive
>>Suicidal tendency
Fortunately this condition can be treated. Depending upon the complexity of the condition we have 3 different types of treatment.
1. Mental Support : this generally is with the help of family members and encouraging the individual to overcome the situation.
2. Psychotherapy : this method involves counseling or CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy).
3. Drug treatment : Antidepressants are given to the patient.
The best way to avoid getting into this situation is to eat healthy and regular exercise. Some studies show that eating fruit, vegetables, fish and olive oil help reduce depression.